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Lee County Year-Round Watering Restrictions
NOTE: Although South Florida Water Management District publishes restrictions that may differ from LCU’s, any restrictions or other measures declared pursuant to Chapter 40E-21 or related Board or Executive Director orders which are more restrictive than a measure contained within Chapter {Chapter 40E-24, F.A.C.}, shall supersede for the duration of the applicable water shortage declaration.
(Odd and Even numbers are determined by the last number of your address)
- Wednesday and Saturday: Odd numbered addressed (1,3,5,7,9)
- Thursday and Sundays: Even numbered addresses (0,2,4,6,8)
Midnight to 9 a.m. AND/OR 5:00 p.m. to Midnight
Between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. OR
Mondays, Tuesdays, or Fridays
Watering Restriction Exceptions
Additional watering for up to 60 days is allowed for the installation of new lawns and landscaping.
The following conditions apply:
On the day new landscaping is installed, new plantings and soil may be irrigated once without regard to the watering days and times. Soil irrigation is allowed immediately prior to planting.
New plantings that have been in place for 30 days or less may be watered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursday, Saturdays and/or Sundays, only before 9 a.m. and/or after 5 p.m.
New plantings that have been in place for 31 to 60 days may be watered on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturdays, only before 9 a.m. and/or after 5 p.m.
Irrigation is limited to the areas containing new landscaping only. An entire irrigation zone may be watered only if new landscaping is planted on at least 50% of that zone. If new landscaping is planted on less than 50% of an irrigation zone, only the new plantings may be watered.
Irrigating using reclaimed water, rain harvesting systems and various low volume methods – such as micro-irrigation, container watering and handwater using a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle – may be conducted at any time.
Pressure washing outdoor buildings or structures may be conducted at any time.
Washing vehicles and boats may be conducted using a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle. If possible, please wash where the water will flow onto soil or grass.
Where Can I Get More Information?
For residents within unincorporated Lee County, call 239-533-8845 Extension 45651.
Cape Coral Year-Round Watering Restrictions
All residents in Cape Coral are allowed to water two days each week regardless of the source for the irrigation water. If you use the City’s dual-water system or a private well, you must follow the two-day watering schedule. See the schedule below for your days and times.
The “address” is the last number of your “house” address. For example, if your address is 1926 SW 15th Avenue, the “6” in 1926 is the guiding number.
Here is the two-day schedule that is in effect for all of Cape Coral:
- Monday & Friday: Midnight to 4 a.m. for addresses ending in 0
- Monday & Friday : 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. for addresses ending in 1
- Wednesday & Saturday: Midnight to 4 a.m. for addresses ending in 3 and 5
- Wednesday & Saturday: 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. for addresses ending in 7 and 9
- Thursday & Sunday: Midnight to 4 a.m. for addresses ending in 2 and 4
- Thursday & Sunday: 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. for addresses ending in 6 and 8
Properties or developments up to and including five acres in size with irrigation systems that must irrigate multiple properties with different watering times will be allowed to water on Monday and Friday from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. This includes but is not limited to duplexes, multi-family units, compound use and mixed use units.
Other Watering Restrictions
Watering of new lawns and landscaping during a 45 day establishment period shall be permitted on any day of the week from 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
The following uses of irrigation water are permitted at any time:
(1) Required watering in of lawn chemicals.
(2) Pressure washing, car, truck or trailer washing, boat washing, and flushing boat motors after salt water use.
(3) Hand watering using low volume irrigation methods.
(4) Water use for cleaning, adjusting, and repair of irrigation systems provided that an attendant is on site and for not more than ten minutes per week for the entire irrigation sy’tem (if the irrigation system is not divided into areas or “zones”) or for not more than ten minutes per area or “zone” per week (if the irrigation system is divided into areas or “zones”).
(5) Irrigation integral to an ongoing business enterprise, such as a golf course (greens, tees and fairways only), a nursery or agricultural operations, is permitted to the extent necessary to reasonably meet the business’s minimum agronomic needs and for freeze or heat damage protection.
Water Conservation Tips from SFWMD
South Floridians have a new online tool for learning about ways to save water and help protect our region’s most valuable resource. The SFWMD has launched a comprehensive website, www.savewaterfl.com, providing a one-stop-shop for information.
The website’s home page features current water restrictions in South Florida, landscaping information and water-saving tips. For easy access to the abundance of information, the site offers seven sub-sections by user: residents, business, agriculture, utilities, government, teachers and news media.
This website focuses on water conservation and the need for water protection. So please take a few moments to check it out, and help South Florida save water.
Information from City of Cape Coral and Lee County Websites.